Features and benefits
    • Formulated with hydrocracked high viscosity index base oils, which provide improved oxidation control.

    • Outstanding soot and deposit control provide protection against piston deposits and valve train wear, and ensure

      engine cleanliness and smooth running.

    • Excellent control of aeration and foaming ensures protection of engine parts.

    • High-quality base stocks and an advanced additive system work to reduce the build up of sludge and reduce oil

      thickening, thereby keeping the product in grade for longer and extending oil life.

    • High acid neutralisation ability, together with TBN retention, provides rust and corrosion protection and prolongs engine


    • Excellent thermal and oxidation stability protect the engine against rust, corrosion and wear caused by the formation of

      sludge and deposits.

    • Good elastomer compatibility ensures longer gasket and seal life.

    • Excellent low-temperature properties ensure smooth start up at low temperature and protect against start-up wear.