Angang Steel Company Limited
The precision rolling balanced hydraulic system of Angang's 2150ASP production line originally used ester fire resistant hydraulic oil of some brand but the effects were not ideal because of its poor water separation property, so Angang wanted to change another hydraulic fluid that can provide good water separation property and reliable quality. After communication with Sinopec
Lubricant Company's technical experts, it finally decided to choose Sinopec HM46 Anti-wear hydraulic oil.
In the hot rolling mill's 2015 production line annual overhaul plan in May 2013, Sinopec HM 46 anti-wear hydraulic oil replaced ester fire resistant hydraulic oil in the precision rolling balanced hydraulic system, and technical personnel of Sinopec Lubricant Company worked out a detailed oil replacement scheme for this annual overhaul plan. Technical personnel of Sinopec Lubricant Company participated in the whole process of this overhaul. They proposed opinions and recommendations for replacement and cleaning of hydraulic system oil products and tracked quality of the oil products during replacement with coordination of Angang Quality Inspection Center to ensure normal use of the oil products. Sample test data of the oil products satisfied production demands of the 2150 production line. In practical use, the lubrication effects are improved.
So far, Sinopec HM 46 Anti-wear hydraulic oil is in good used. Sinopec Lubricant Company will continue to follow its use at Angang, and has worked out a regular quality tracking plan to monitor quality of its lubricant products in use.