(click to expand)

Warehouse Pickup Policy:

FREE Same-day warehouse pickup locations are only available at fulfillment centers. To view, on product page, click on "check other fulfillment centers"

  • Houston, TX
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • Jurupa Valley, CA
  • Toms River, NJ 
  • Choose from 100+ ship to pickup locations on cart page


Have a pickup question? Click here to receive a response in 29 minutes or less*

 * Your emails will be answered Monday thru Friday 9:00am EST to 4:00pm EST. Requests that fall outside these times will be answered on the next business day.



*To view your nearest pickup location: First add the product or products to cart. Click on checkout, that will take you to a page to view your cart. Scroll down and click on choose Ship to Store to enter your zip code or address and a list of locations will be available to select from under the map. Choose your location by clicking on your selected pickup location.

  1. Some locations may not have your selected products in-stock at time of checkout and would require (1-5) days to deliver to your selected warehouse pickup location. Once your order has shipped from one of our fulfillment centers tracking information will be emailed to you. Once your order has arrived it's ready to be picked up that day. Warehouse locations are open 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday. All pickup locations have the ability to load your pickup truck, flatbed, van, straight truck, ect.
  2. There is a $79 surcharge for a single 55 gal or 16 gal Drum deliveries to warehouse pickup locations. (2+) Drums deliver free to warehouse pickup locations.
  3. Free Single Drum Order pickups are ONLY available in Houston TX, Jacksonville FL, Jurupa Valley CA, Toms River NJ.

    Terminal Warehouse Pickups:

    How it works:

        1. Search for your closest pickup location on the map above (click on map).
        2. Choose Terminal Warehouse Pickup at checkout.
        3. Once order is placed, shipping will contact you to verify and confirm the terminal location selected for pickup.
        4. Most orders deliver to pickup locations within (1-5) business days.
        5. Most terminals are open for pickups between (8am-4pm | Mon-Fri).
        6. All pickup locations have loading docks, ramps and forklifts to load your pickup truck, flatbed, van, straight truck, ect.  
        7. When picking up your order, you will need your order number, and a valid government-issued photo ID. 
        8. *Storage Fees are charged to your account after 3 business days of being available & ready for pick up. Look out for all emails regarding pick ups.*